In the beginning, there was an egg resting on the beach shore. One day a dragon emerged from the egg shell. The shell shielded and guided the dragon through a warm, and guarded birth. The dragon broke free out to the unknown. It flew through the sky, swam the oceans, and explored the earth landscape. It seemed that the dragon had broken free from its shell; however, the egg’s remnants created ties like lines that connected the dragon to its sheltered beginnings. Little by little it learned important life lessons. The dragon now seeks a journey of new experiences and curiously looks onto a manifold future.
Kurimoto, born and raised in Japan, is a metal casting artist. Her art is informed by her experience of relocating to the United States after high school, as well as the intersection of her American and Japanese cultural identities. She earned her Master of Fine Arts in sculpture from Southern Illinois University and Bachelor of Fine Arts from California State University, Fullerton, where she focused on cast metal, glass, ceramic and mixed-media sculpture.